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10 Famous Italian Artists

As the fourth most-visited country in the world, Italy is a world-renowned travel destination famous for its architecture, cuisine and fashion. The country is also known for its historical contributions to the Renaissance, generating countless art and musical pieces. 

Many of the world’s most acclaimed painters and artists were from Italy. These artists created enduring and profound art pieces that have enchanted viewers for long durations. Here are 10 of the most famous Italian artists.

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Leonardo da Vinci

1. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is known as one of the most talented artists to exist. He was also a painter, engineer, scientist and architect, holding many passions throughout his life. Some of his famous artworks include the “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper.” Da Vinci’s personal notebooks contained extensive observations about the scientific and natural world that experts still use today.

Da Vinci’s work is displayed in locations worldwide. Italy is home to many original Da Vinci paintings and pieces, making it a prime destination to explore his legacy. The city of Florence has a museum dedicated to Da Vinci, his works and his legacy. It has exhibits of his machinery work and in-depth looks at different art forms he used.

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence also has a wide range of art pieces from Da Vinci’s younger years. It houses the “Adoration of the Magi,” “Annunciation” and “The Baptism of Christ.”

You can also explore important historical landmarks from his life during an Italy trip. For instance, you can visit his birthplace and childhood home in a small town called Anchiano. This site pays homage to the famous Italian artist, displaying reproductions of drawings and a life-size hologram.

2. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Michelangelo (1475-1564) is another renowned Italian painter. His paintings and sculptures remain among history’s most influential art pieces. Michelangelo was recognized as a genius during his lifetime, with multiple biographies published while he was still alive.

Some of his most famous works include:

  • “Pietà”: This piece is an enduring and essential piece of Christian art. The sculpture depicts the Virgin Mary and Jesus moments after his crucifixion and mortal death. “Pietà” contains astonishing details, such as the many folds and creases in the Virgin Mary’s garments. The sculpture also awes audiences for its portrayal of sorrow and human suffering, as seen in the expression on the Virgin Mary’s face. The “Pietà” is currently housed in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City.
  • “David”: Michelangelo’s “David” sculpture has long been considered a masterpiece. It was made from marble, representing the strength and youthful beauty of the character David from the biblical story “David and Goliath.” Michelangelo was only 26 when he built the sculpture, making it one of the earliest achievements in his career. “David” rests in the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy.
  • The Sistine Chapel ceiling: Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the request of Pope Julius II. The artwork depicts many scenes from the Old Testament, such as Adam’s creation and Noah’s Ark. The astonishing imagery covers the entire ceiling. You can view the ceiling in Vatican City during Sistine Chapel tours, which bring in more than 1 million visitors annually.

You can view many of Michelangelo’s works on an Italy vacation, particularly if you visit Vatican City. The majority of his works lie in Vatican City, Rome and Tuscany.

3. Sandro Botticelli

Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) was an Italian painter during the early Renaissance period. He painted many mythological subjects, religious figures and portraits of contemporaries and noblemen. Botticelli lived in Florence, Italy for his entire life. 

One of Botticelli’s most famous works is “The Birth of Venus.” This painting displays the love goddess Venus emerging into life, standing on a large scallop shell. It’s located in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. 

Another famous Botticelli piece is “Fortitude.” This notable work represents the human virtue of fortitude, which is continued persistence and strength in the pursuit of good. “Fortitude” contains an image of a young woman. She sits on a regal throne, wearing armor over a graceful dress and holding a scepter. She has a slightly melancholic expression, causing much debate among art historians. This piece is also located in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

Many of Botticelli’s other works are also housed in the Uffizi Gallery, making this a must-see destination for enthusiasts.

4. Amedeo Modigliani

Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) was a modern Italian painter and drawer. He was born in Livorno, Italy, and spent most of his life in France. He is known for his striking renditions of the human body, both in face portraits and nude depictions. Modigliani studied Italian Renaissance painters in his youth, and they largely impacted his later pieces. He tragically died at the young age of 35 due to tuberculosis.

Modigliani’s pieces were characterized by long faces and necks, disproportionate to actual human shapes. Some of his most notable paintings include “Woman With Red Hair,” “Alice” and “The Jewish Woman.” His most famous sculptures depict people’s heads, such as “Head” and “Woman’s Head.” 

Galleries around the world hold his works, from New York City to Paris, France. Italy is a prime destination to explore Modigliani’s works — many are in La Galleria Nazionale in Rome.


5. Raphael

Raphael (1483-1520) is a famous Italian painter and architect from the Renaissance. His paintings included remarkable attention to detail and expression of human emotions. Raphael produced a massive volume of artwork throughout his lifetime and worked for significant figures throughout Italy.

Many of Raphael’s most renowned works depict religious figures, such as his paintings “Saint Catherine of Alexandria” and “Saint John The Baptist Preaching.” 

Raphael also worked closely with Pope Julius II. He painted a portrait of the Pope that was extremely influential in later artists’ portrait work. Pope Julius II also commissioned Raphael to decorate papal apartments in the Vatican.

Raphael’s influential and beautiful works are in galleries across Italy, including: 

  • The Brera Picture Gallery in Milan
  • The Borghese Gallery in Rome
  • The Uffizi Gallery in Florence
  • The San Severo Monastery in Perugia
  • National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberiniin Rome

You can also visit the town of Urbino to explore the famous artist’s birthplace and childhood landmarks.

6. Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini (1430-1516) was an Italian painter known for deep colors and impactful landscapes. He emphasized humanistic expression and dignity in his paintings, many depicting religious imagery. Bellini also loved oil paintings and frequently used this style in his pieces.

These are a few of Bellini’s most cherished works:

  • “The Agony in the Garden”: This painting depicts Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before being taken by Roman soldiers. It contains stunning details on the figures’ clothing and expressions, along with a beautiful, expansive landscape winding in the back. The painting is currently housed in the National Gallery in London, England. 
  • “The Sacred Conversation”: Bellini painted this image for an altarpiece in San Zaccaria church in Venice, Italy. It shows the Virgin Mary in conversation with a group of saints and angels. It’s renowned for its attentive details in the ornate ceiling, Mary’s throne and the figures’ garments. The painting still rests in the church, and visitors can view it in person.
  • “The Feast of the Gods”: This iconic painting displays many mythological gods and creatures like satyrs and nymphs. The large group rests in the forest, enjoying many plates of food. The vivid green trees and vibrant colors in the figures’ clothing make this piece unforgettable. The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., possesses this piece.
  • “Christ Blessing”: One of Bellini’s most famous works, the painting is a detailed encapsulation of Jesus Christ. He raises one hand in blessing and half his face is shrouded in shadow. The painting also contains a gripping sunset and a few animals in the background. The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, showcases this piece.

Many of Bellini’s pieces are also in Italian galleries and churches. For instance, they’re housed in locations like:

  • Museo Poldi Pezzoli in Milan
  • Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice
  • Museo Correr in Venice

7. Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) was a prominent Italian sculptor and architect. He was a city planner and architect in Rome, designing many buildings, churches, public fountains and other structures. His sculptures depicted famous biblical and historical figures.

A few of Bernini’s most-known sculptures are:

  • “David”: Bernini also sculpted the biblical figure of David. This life-size sculpture depicts David mid-swing as he prepares to launch a shot at Goliath. Cardinal Scipione Borghese commissioned Bernini to create this statue. It currently rests in the Borghese Gallery in Rome, Italy. 
  • “Apollo and Daphne”: This sculpture was also requested by Cardinal Scipione Borghese. It displays a crucial point in the narrative poem “Metamorphoses” by Ovid — the nymph Daphne escapes the advances of the god Apollo by turning into a tree. The detailed sculpture shows portions of Daphne’s body, such as her legs, already turning to bark. Like “David,” “Apollo and Daphne” is also in the Borghese Gallery.
  • Medusa”: This sculpted bust of Medusa’s head is famous for its intricate details. It displays Medusa during her transformation into a monster, her hair turning into snakes. You can view “Medusa” in the Palazzo dei Conservatori in Rome.

You can also view Bernini’s architectural impacts during a trip to Rome.

8. Giorgio Morandi

Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964) was an Italian artist that specialized in still-life paintings. He painted many everyday objects like vases, bottles, flowers and bowls. Morandi used simple and muted colors in his work. Morandi notably named many of his pieces “Still Life.” 

You can view many of his paintings in the Museo Morandi in Bologna, Italy. This location houses the largest collection of Morandi’s work. It also offers an immersive exploration of his childhood and life, mostly spent in Bologna. Other works are in New York City, London and Washington, D.C.


9. Caravaggio

Caravaggio (1571-1610) is another example of famous Italian artists, known for influencing the Baroque art style. Caravaggio painted many religious and historical figures in his work, often using human models to help capture complex emotions. He lived in Italy his entire life, mostly painting in the city of Rome.

Some of Caravaggio’s most famous pieces include:

  • “The Calling of St. Matthew”: This piece shows a scene where Jesus Christ inspires one of his apostles, Matthew, to follow him. It depicts a dim room, the only light source protruding from an off-screen window. A group of men sits around a table while Jesus extends his arm toward them. The clothing details and longing expressions have made this piece one of Caravaggio’s most enduring works. Caravaggio created this piece for the Contarelli Chapel in the Church of St. Louis in Rome. The painting still rests there today.
  • “Narcissus”: This painting shows Narcissus, a figure from Greek mythology. According to the myth, Narcissus was a handsome young man who fell in love with his own reflection. He was unable to look away and ultimately died of selfish passion. Caravaggio’s portrait displays Narcissus as he peers over a small pool, his reflection clear in the water. It is currently in the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Rome, Italy.
  • “The Fortune Teller”: This piece depicts a wealthy young man having his fortune told by a young woman. She appears to slip one of his rings off his finger, using deceit to steal from him. The Musei Capitolini in Rome displays this Caravaggio painting.

10. Artemisia Gentileschi

Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) is a renowned Italian painter. She worked in the Baroque style and was heavily influenced by Caravaggio. She produced her first professional work at only 15 years old. She built an illustrious artistic career at a time when women had minimal professional opportunities.

Most of Gentileschi’s works focused on female figures, often from myths or biblical stories. One of her most noteworthy pieces is “Judith Slaying Holofernes”, which depicts a scene from the Book of Judith in the Old Testament. The painting resides in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

Book an Italy Adventure With Windstar Cruises Today

Book an Italy Adventure With Windstar Cruises Today

An Italy vacation lets you explore these famous artists from Italy’s homeland and their artwork. Whether you’re exploring enchanting seaside towns or legendary historical sites, Italy is an unforgettable destination.

If you’re interested in an Italy adventure, browse Windstar Cruises’ available voyages today. Our cruises explore many Italian destinations, from legendary cities like Venice to mystical islands like Sicily. The itineraries cover legendary sites, including the Vatican and the Colosseum, while also providing ample time for free exploration.

Windstar Cruises’ Italian voyages are available in a wide range of lengths and destination specifications. All of our cruises have small passenger numbers, creating a more intimate and personalized experience. You can build unforgettable memories with our immersive approach.

To get started with Windstar Cruises, contact our travel specialists today.


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